
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

South Sound Turn Around

Yesterday was fairly low key in the morning. I had a dream about an old friend who now lives in Seattle, and woke up feeling that I really needed to visit her on my way through the city. This trip, I'm open to all signs of synchronicity, especially in dreams. In other words, I'm following my intuition in all ways. In the words of a character from 9 kinds of Naked, "There is no adventure without uncertainty."

My mom, sister and I were able to have some Thai food in downtown Olympia with a good family friend, and I was also able to visit my remaining aunt and uncle, miraculously visiting my entire close family in a matter of two days.

In the evening, I randomly ran into my buddy Ron, from Holden, who served as the Postmaster this summer. He left the village the day after me, and it was good to reflect with him, talk about our uncertain futures. A fellow Stuenite (Stuen Hall was my dorm at PLU), Mark Rud, met me at the local coffee shop, and we had a beer together. Mark is a master of synchronicity, and has always been one of the most politically well-informed people that I know, even when he was 18. We shot the bull and talked about our shifting political climate, and the chaos to come. He recommended this video. Mark said that his favorite city in the union right now is Detroit, where they are rebuilding from the ashes. The old barter system economy is coming back, as well as neighborhood gardens, and privately owned bus companies. This gives me hope in the collapse.

Ended the night again with Nathaniel, and we watched a video by physicist Nassim Haramein, who has developed a Grand Unified Theory based on the flower of life.

This new theory, more than anything recently, has renewed my hope in the great shift that is approaching. I'm headed to Seattle today.

Quote of the Day: "We're not hipsters, we're Neo-Wizards."

Question of the day: "If every action has an equal and opposite reaction, what is the opposite of a thought?"

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