
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Hag off the Road

After about six weeks of couch-sleeping, city-wandering, beauty-seeking, eye-opening, and soul-searching, I've come to the end of my road. Back to that pretty little valley in the center of the state: Ellensburg, WA. But this is not the end of the journey. The journey never ends. Your life is a roadtrip, and change is inevitable. That being said, one of the best ways to embrace the uncertainty is to take a trip yourself. Go.

You can approach the journey in two ways. If you keep your eyes fixed on the road and worry too much about your destination, you're gonna miss all the good stuff: city parks, quirky holes in the wall, etc. But there's another way to do it, without a set agenda. And in this freedom is infinite possibility. Pull off to the side for a while. Don't hold your pee for too long. Stretch your back out. Climb a tree. Eat something weird. Sniff a flower in someone's garden.

Here are some final statements and reflections on my trip. Things that I've learned and relearned in the past weeks. Perhaps I'm growing up; things that I used to think were cheese-ball are again sincere; the cliche is no longer boring but rather holds an inherent heaviness of human experience. Here's ten:

1. Befriend a Canadian.
   You won't be disappointed.

2. Don't be sorry. Be silly.
    It's more fun. In essence, don't worry about the little things. Forgive yourself. Laugh at yourself. Be a   fool. Crack a joke. Let it fail. Don't act so tough, asshole.

3. Talk to strangers.
   I know this is the opposite of what you've been told as a youngling. Get over it. Once you're past the 20 seconds of awkward, then you're golden. Boom. You've got a new friend. You can learn infinite new things. Eat where the locals eat, do what they do. When in Rome, right? Afraid to talk to strangers? Try step #4.
4. Face your fears.
    Do something you haven't done before, but mostly, something that makes your heart beat a little        faster. Risk that slap on the wrist, let go of your tightly-clenched fist, cease to exist in the the fear that usually persists. When you confront your fears, you confront yourself. This is your ticket to self-confidence, and increased happiness. If you're worrying about anything at all, you're not thinking about how awesome it is to be alive.

5. Be outside. Every day.
    Run, hike, walk, bike. You know the drill. E'rybody know dat. It makes you feel better, clears your mind. When was the last time you saw the sunrise? You want to remember who you are? Feel the Earth spin around, cognizant of the fact that we're on a giant, planetary spaceship of life, hurling through the unknown universe. That'll wake you up. Go outside.

6. Remember who you were as an 8 year old.
    Whoever you were before you were aware of the tangled and often cruel social web. Before you started worrying about who said what, who likes who, yada yada. You had more time for pure play and passion-seeking enjoyment. You didn't give two shits what other people were thinking about you. For example, at age 8, I was into rocks, ninja shit, Animorphs, Super Nintendo, and Star Wars. I'm trying to live with that same heart again, the same wonder for the world. Become childlike, and in doing so you become vulnerable to the possibilities of the universe.

7. Use your entire brain.
    The left brain is logical, calculated, structured. It helps you know when you should fill up your tank and how much you should tip the barista. But if you're all left brain, it means that you're creating a structured PLAN (Pessimistically Lame And Nervous). Plan loosely. Make a date with a friend. Don't run out of gas. Know what bus you need to catch. Make a reservation at a restaurant. Then, let your feet wander as your right brain takes over. Act impulsively. Follow an interesting street. Buy flowers, give them to a stranger. Live in the moment. Experience beauty fully. Take a nap in a park if you feel so compelled. If both sides of your brain are employed, you are operating as your full self.

8. Friends and Family are key.
   You want happiness? Here it is. All you have is your experience, and it's better to share it with others in a loving way. Friends come and go, yes. That's okay. People drift apart. Sometimes, they drift back together. Be a fierce friend to the ones that you're with. Be loyal. Don't talk shit. Encourage your friends. Lift them up. Your kindness will return to you.
    Family is special, because these are people that you did not choose to be friends with. Rather, you are bound by fate. These people will always be your family, and if you're there for them, they'll be there for you.

9. Breathe Deeply.
   This is the most simple trick for diffusing the bomb of chaos in your life. Find your quiet center. This one's powerful: inhale slowly and deeply, hold for ten seconds, and exhale slowly. Feel the stress leave your shoulders and jaw, then reevaluate the situation.

10. The Zero Point Energy Revolution is Upon Us.
    Haters gonna hate, but all will soon be apparent. The largest technological innovation in human history will soon be widespread across the planet, changing our relationship with the Earth, our relationships with each other, and our understanding of ourselves. These are Zero Point Energy machines, devices capable of extracting energy from the void of space, the source of all energy. If you want details, I can set you up.

Merry Crimbus everyone, and thanks for following Hag on the Road.




  1. I want to be your fierce friend. I also want to befriend a Canadian.

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